Whole Food Weight Loss and Meal Plans
Lose Weight, Feel GREAT, NO RESTRICTIONS - 12 wk coaching program 1:1
Service Description
Do you want to really maximize your health? Feel your very best? Lose all the weight you want? Live your best healthiest life? Are you tired of constantly restricting calories, carbs, fat, even fasting and nothing works? Do you want to be free of the control food has over your mind and daily life? We will work together to design a custom plan for you to reach all your personal goals. I will meet you where you are guiding you and teaching you exactly what you need to know to get there. You don't have to be 100% plant based to work with me. I will design your plan based on your preferred foods and way of eating. Maybe you don’t want to be 100% WFPB (whole food plant based), that’s completely fine. You choose your goals and I will teach you the easiest healthiest way to get there. You will look and feel amazing! For a long time the only way I thought you could lose weight was to RESTRICT! NOT TRUE! After many years I came to my senses and realized this way only led me to chronic binge eating and yoyo dieting. Once I finally allowed myself to eat carbs naturally and not continuously restricting my eating, the weight naturally came off. I never felt deprived and I was SOOOOOOOO HAPPY I COULD EAT BREAD! I learned how to eat the right carbs and I started losing weight naturally. My mindset was always good, I was never hungry and I felt amazing. BUT there is a right way to do this. Let’s work together to get you to reach your goals! Coaching program – 299/month (3 months) One 30 minute personal call with me each week Here's some things you can look forward to learning: *GOAL setting and understanding your WHY *Understanding MACRONUTRIENTS - Protein, Fat, Carbs and how they affect our bodies, mind, weight and ultimately health *VEGETABLES - How can I eat more and why should I *MINDSET - How can I reframe my mind into a NON DIET mentality and create a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable and still reach my goals *BEHAVIOR CHANGE - Learning new replacement behaviors and foods to create health and weight loss long term *Customized MEAL PLAN to reach your goals *Recipes that fit into your plan *Shopping lists to ensure you have what you need for success *Ongoing SUPPORT through phone calls, text and email *How to find BALANCE in life and not eat for stress, emotions or boredom OTHER BENEFITS: Improved energy Improved gut issues Overall skin improvements Reduced cravings and weight loss COMPLETE FOOD FREEDOM
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